Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Let the spam shime in.. gettin' even with blog spammers that own blogs?

I like spam and eggs!
(Monty Python tune)
Spam spam spam spam
Spam spam spam spma
Spam spam spam spam

I turned off word verification.. I ask only that you read the comments, look up the profile of spammers and post the following into their comments. (copy and paste the code in the box below into the spammer's comments)

That will look like this on their comments
deep fried blog of enormous proportion Big fat monkey nuts, pickles on rainy day salty chocolate balls, bingo. As Gertrude peddles her bicycle up the condom river Hoggie mounts the bus to school.
Peace pass it on, and let the spam shine in.. let the spam shine.. the spaaaaaaaam shine in.

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