Wednesday, November 09, 2005

wouldn;t it be nice... Blogger needs this.

Blogger needs a way to reverse the posts, so somone could read from the past to teh present, not the other way around.
THis way those who may feel so inclined would have an easier way of writting a novel, or an insruction manual.. just a button that says "reverse order" that would be grand!

If you know nyone at blogger, or ever have the oppertunity to pass on my suggestion.. please do.. wouldnet it be great to read somthing as it was written to see the story develop?

Just thinking out loud.

1 comment:

  1. A-fucking-men! I think that would help newbies to get into a particular blog. Let's just spam with email after email and get them to comply.

    Nix says: Although I don't think mine would make anymore sense.
