Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol ... finals!

The last night...
Who won... Time will tell....

Adam and Kris...

Lets see....

Adam is singing... it ain't bad...

He sings with Kiss... cool.

okay... he Rocks!

Yea I know I'm putting things out of place... I was recording... and my wife came in... so now I'm watch it... F the tape... for now.

Kris sings with Santana... the thing is he just don't Rock... now the others come on...

and all together they still don't rock...

Rod Stewart is on... being off... come on guys... let the guy retire...

Queen is next... Adam and Kris sing... it was a good song...

Well guys... it is down to reading the envelope.... it is KRIS!

Nearly 100 million votes cast...
It ends with Kris singing something...

I am tired... so I'll leave you with it... Kris... he's number ONE...

and that's it...

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