This is just my little place in the world to blog about whatever comes to mind. I plan to review books, movies, music, bands, bars food and restaurants, along with my wife, step sons, marriage past and present, anything is fair game! and AVM's
Thursday, May 21, 2009
AMV News
On October 4, 2007, my sister AL suffered a stroke due to a ruptured and bleeding cerebral AVM . Several months later, I sat down and wrote about the experience. My main intention was self-therapy through writing, but I also wanted to record some of the details that I thought (correctly) would fade from my memory over time.
Recently, AL and I had a conversation about how little she remembers from the weeks after the stroke (click here for a little more fore/background). I told her about my AVM journal and she was keen, so today I'm going to mail her a copy of it in its entirety. Please read on for a couple of excerpts....
And now a bit of the author...
I have an AVM... actually a popped one.
My personality has changed. (not for the better)
My ability to keep friends has also diminished.
Now I am very tiered. (hooray Naps)
I do like Led Zeppelin videos.
I do like the 80's.
I do feel like I can be better...
Minus the Led and the 80's.
I just don't get society... here I am a man... with the same drives that I had before. Sure I can't do some things that I use to. But come on... I still do a number of things the same way!
I think that they should bring me back as the Service Manager for the Hot Tub Co. I use to work for. (Nordic Hot Tubs)
They make life on Social Security a real bitch... I mean, they give me one weeks pay... for a month... How am I to live on that? I mean come on!!!!
Here is a good person... and they are F'ing me!
That is when I don't F my self.... :)
Though you mite want some Eminem...
Eminem on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
Eminem - Lose Yourself
Eminem - The Real Slim Shady
and by the way... the videos that I took down... I took down because they didn't say what I was tiring to say... I apologies.
I'm out...
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