Okay, I have a friend, he is in his early 20s. He has been talking with a girl who is not quite 17.
He asks me today, if she is too young to go out with? What do you say to this? My friend is very introverted adn shy, adn has a hard time meeting women of any age... this "girl" is no virgin, from what he has been telling, me about their conversations.. the age of concsent in this state is 16.. so what's the harm?
Hey, I am no ultra conservitive, adn quite frankly if I had the opertunity to date a younger woman, it would not bother me in the least.. it's about the person and not the age isn't it?
Okay how young would I date? (Keep in mind I am a young at heart 38).. would I date an 18 year old? (I don;t know.. there seems to be a world of life between 18 and 38.. so lets say for the sake of argument that I would not date an 18 year old..) how about 21? she could drink with me in public, perhpas is near completing her education? I have no children of my own and if I eve am single again, I will want children.. so how about 21.. healthy and young.. and right now 18 years my junior?
Okay perhpas 21.. but lets say 25.. finished with school, and out in the real world.. YES definetly I would date a 25 year old.. if she had all the right kinds of personality traits.. and no body would say I was old enough to be her dad. (Even though I probobly am.. :)
So I would date a woman 13 years younger then I am.. he is asking to date somone about 7 years younger.. I have a hard time answering him.. perhaps I just need to have sex with her.. afer that.. I can tell him if it is worth his time?
(If I did not get your attention with that last line.. your probobly already clicking the next blog button)
I , for the record, would NEVER at this point in my life have sex with a 16 year old! That's just wrong! But how about 18? hummm... (I better quit while I am ahead)
This brings up a whole new set of questions.. why would I consider a sexual relatonship with somone that I would not marry? Why have I married people that, I have less than maximum sexual attraction for?
Is it possible to find the whole package? Sexual attraction, plus personality, plus mutual life goals? Damn.. hard question.. I never found it in anyone at any age..
New set of questions.. would I date seriously somone that I did not see spending a long time with? I have in the past and ended up in relationships with them, that I could not wait to end? So what is the balance? Is ther a balance, between liking somone and wanting to boff them? I got news like lasts a lot longer than the uncontrolable urge to boff..
I guess the moral of the story is marry your best friend, as long as sh has a sister that's hot and will give you a little when nobody's looking.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
What a wonderful universe we live in..

okay geek moment..
I love to go to the NASA astronomy picture of the day..
I love to see what the universe has to offer. NASA publishes many Hubble and other famous observatory pictures, I will usually keep one on my desktop to remind me of all the wonder that is out there.. keeps me feeling young, I guess, to know that all of my knowledge is such in infinitesimal speck.. is also a little humbling.
I hope you will go to the picture of the day, and take a look around.. you may find, that like me, you are drawn back again and again.
Matisyahu Jewish (Hasidic) Reggae music!

Okay so it is pronounced somthing like, "Matis Yahoo" but it is all about the Music.. like reggae that has come before, it is about the spirit, god, and life,.
When I first heard of Matisyahu I htough it was some sort of bad joke, but if you go to the link above you will see that this man is serious about his music and the thoughts and feelings it can communicate.
When I went out on google looking for informaiton , I started by spelling his name wrong, I spelled it Matisyahn, and still I found him. This says that he has made an impact at least in the cyber world, and I think after a listen , if you are a Reggae fan like I am, he will be a hit with you too.
Funny how somtimes you think you will be writing a "review of things that suck" and end up pleasantly supprised in the end.
Two thumbs up for Matis!
Here are a few tour dates..
I hope you can see a show.
October and November Matisyahu Tour Dates Announced
Fan pre-sale begins HERE. only on Friday, September 9th at noon (your local time)
Sun/Oct-16 Troy, NY Revolution Hall(w/ DJ Shotnez of Balkan Beat Box)
Thu/Oct-20 New York, NY Hunter College - Brookdale Campus (Hunter students only - sorry, no pre-sale available)
Sat/Oct-22 Burlington, VT Higher Ground (w/ DJ Shotnez of Balkan Beat Box)
Sun/Oct-30 Towson, MD Recher Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)Tue/Nov-01 Blacksburg, VA Virginia Tech - Lyric Theatre (VT students only - sorry, no pre-sale available)
Thu/Nov-03 Orlando, FL Social (w/ Pigeon John)Sat/Nov-05 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Revolution (w/ Pigeon John)
Sun/Nov-06 Tampa, FL State Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)Mon/Nov-07 Atlanta, GA Roxy Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)
Tue/Nov-08 Louisville, KY Headliner's (w/ Pigeon John) Wed/Nov-09 Lawrence, KS Bottleneck (w/ Pigeon John)
Thu/Nov-10 Englewood, CO Gothic Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)Sat/Nov-12 Boulder, CO The Fox Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)
Sun/Nov-13 Columbia, MO The Blue Note (w/ Pigeon John)Tue/Nov-15 Minneapolis, MN The Cabooze (w/ Pigeon John)
Wed/Nov-16 Madison, WI Barrymore Theatre (w/ Pigeon John)
Thu/Nov-17 Chicago, IL Metro (w/ Pigeon John)Sat/Nov-19 Cleveland, OH The Odeon (w/ Pigeon John)
Sun/Nov-20 Columbus, OH Newport Music Hall (w/ Pigeon John)
Funny stats.. how people found "here"
look at the terms that brough people here.. some are too funny..
thanks to extreme tracking.com
I like "grabastic piece of whale shit" myself.. seems to about sum this blog up in one phrase.
thanks to extreme tracking.com
Yahoo: moral decay in Malaysia | |
14 Sep, Wed, 13:01:13 | Yahoo: link:http://www.expoactive.com |
19 Sep, Mon, 16:59:38 | Google: http://delorumrex1.blogspot.com |
22 Sep, Thu, 21:43:30 | Google: expoactive |
26 Sep, Mon, 02:38:03 | MSN Search: Huricane Katrina Fund Raisers |
26 Sep, Mon, 22:47:45 | Yahoo: somebitch funnies |
29 Sep, Thu, 11:55:56 | Google: thujone free wormwood francois guy |
04 Oct, Tue, 06:19:49 | Google: Oil companies,rancing |
04 Oct, Tue, 12:42:59 | AOL Search: Sherrie Shriner |
05 Oct, Wed, 16:18:43 | AOL Search: Sherrie Shriner |
09 Oct, Sun, 17:08:47 | Google: thetreeofgoldenlight |
10 Oct, Mon, 23:10:56 | Google: "www.thetreeofgoldenlight.com" |
14 Oct, Fri, 14:15:13 | MSN Search: Gasolene storage regulations storage |
17 Oct, Mon, 17:32:30 | Google: wendy's "hot and juicy" "tv commercials" |
18 Oct, Tue, 11:59:37 | MSN Search: food spellings |
18 Oct, Tue, 16:40:48 | Google: pecker wood |
19 Oct, Wed, 16:26:34 | Google: grabasstic piece of whale shit |
19 Oct, Wed, 18:03:12 | MSN Search: Louis Farracon |
I like "grabastic piece of whale shit" myself.. seems to about sum this blog up in one phrase.
Firefox Mozzila on board.. I like it..
Well kids I started using Firefox' browser because of a security setting problem in ie 6 and I have to say that I like it.
I find that the pages are loading faster on a number of pages that I frequent, and that is alwys a good thing.
So I will say yes.. about firefox "he ain't heavy.. it's my browser."
Well kids I started using Firefox' browser because of a security setting problem in ie 6 and I have to say that I like it.
I find that the pages are loading faster on a number of pages that I frequent, and that is alwys a good thing.
So I will say yes.. about firefox "he ain't heavy.. it's my browser."
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
two days off.. no politics.. no work..
well two days off for me.. that's right count em two! I have to take these vacation days or loose them.. actually I have more to take but can;t because of projects at work with deadlines, that require my being there.. how do the sweeds do it.. 5 -6 weeks of vacation each year?
So no politics, no talk radio, no work.. just two days of naps and working around my house.. wish me well.. perhpas if you are unlucky I will come back here and describe in detail.. all of my naps.
Peace, pass it on.
So no politics, no talk radio, no work.. just two days of naps and working around my house.. wish me well.. perhpas if you are unlucky I will come back here and describe in detail.. all of my naps.
Peace, pass it on.
Monday, October 17, 2005
I prefer Halloween...
Okay despite my wanderings though spirituality, I was brought up in a primarily Christian household.
Every year at my house or at another relatives house the traditions of Christmas were celebrated, gifts were exchanged, nog was drunk, and even on occasion a Carol was sung.. socking hung by the fire with care, yada , yada, yada..
Now fast-forward.. I am an Adult.. I have no children so perhaps that sets the mood, but I dread Christmas.. I dread the gathering, and the bitching about who got who what, or worse did not get who what.. I dread the decorations and the gilts and flash of the lights.. I dread the whole damn thing.. I am cold.. and if you want to come to my house and bitch about life, why do we need a holiday for it.. hell most of the primary bitchers come over to engage in that particular activity with my wife weekly..
SO I prefer Halloween.. I like to make the house spooky…and I like to hand out candy to the good and bad little goblins and ghouls of the neighborhood.. I even go to a haunted house (created) with friends each year.. and I love to sit and watch scary movies with the lights off.. perhaps a drink at my hand.. and a nice warm blanket..
Does this make me the Pagan I am accused of being? Perhaps it does.. does it make me a worse person that the Christmas bitchers? I think not.. I would rather give 100 small presents to strangers that appreciate it, than to give one present to one unappreciative relative.
So if pagans prefer to give to deserving strangers rather than undeserving relatives.. I guess I am.. Pagan and Proud!
BOO! Pass it on.
Every year at my house or at another relatives house the traditions of Christmas were celebrated, gifts were exchanged, nog was drunk, and even on occasion a Carol was sung.. socking hung by the fire with care, yada , yada, yada..
Now fast-forward.. I am an Adult.. I have no children so perhaps that sets the mood, but I dread Christmas.. I dread the gathering, and the bitching about who got who what, or worse did not get who what.. I dread the decorations and the gilts and flash of the lights.. I dread the whole damn thing.. I am cold.. and if you want to come to my house and bitch about life, why do we need a holiday for it.. hell most of the primary bitchers come over to engage in that particular activity with my wife weekly..
SO I prefer Halloween.. I like to make the house spooky…and I like to hand out candy to the good and bad little goblins and ghouls of the neighborhood.. I even go to a haunted house (created) with friends each year.. and I love to sit and watch scary movies with the lights off.. perhaps a drink at my hand.. and a nice warm blanket..
Does this make me the Pagan I am accused of being? Perhaps it does.. does it make me a worse person that the Christmas bitchers? I think not.. I would rather give 100 small presents to strangers that appreciate it, than to give one present to one unappreciative relative.
So if pagans prefer to give to deserving strangers rather than undeserving relatives.. I guess I am.. Pagan and Proud!
BOO! Pass it on.
happy monday! (whattaloadocrap!)
Well it is moonday, and I thought I would post somthing before going into work.. what do you post on a monday morning? I had some really wild dreams, but none would get past the censors here.. so let me just say that they involved my exwife and the kamasutra.. and an asian woman??
Gotta love dreams like that.. don;t ya?
Well out of dreamland adn off to workland.. wish me well.. with any luck I will ahve a review of a new hot tub here in the next week or so.. wish me well with that.
Also I will have a review of the little things that piss me off.. but there ain;t nothing new abou that.
Carpe' Diem!!
Gotta love dreams like that.. don;t ya?
Well out of dreamland adn off to workland.. wish me well.. with any luck I will ahve a review of a new hot tub here in the next week or so.. wish me well with that.
Also I will have a review of the little things that piss me off.. but there ain;t nothing new abou that.
Carpe' Diem!!
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