Saturday, November 22, 2008
Funny Video thag!
[url=][img][/img] Watch "Top Gear - Richard Hammond toasts Nissan with a jet car - BBC"[/url]
Go ahead check it out.
Got One.... More me... I guess....
Management and clinical outcome of posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations – report on a single center 15 years experience
1 University of Toronto, Canada
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Objectives: Posterior fossa brain arteriovenous malformations (PFbAVMs) are rare lesions. Management is complicated by eloquence of adjacent neurological structures, multimodality treatment is often necessary and obliteration not always possible. We describe our 15-year experience in the management of posterior fossa brain AVMs with focus on clinical outcome.
Methods: From 1989 to 2004, prospectively collected information on 106 patients with diagnosis of a PFbAVMs was obtained. Clinical and angioarchitectural characteristics, management options and complications are described and reviewed to evaluate their impact on final outcome as measured by mRS (modified Rankin Score).
Results: Ninety-eight patients were followed for an average of 3.3 years (1-14.6). Male to female ratio was 1:1. Ninety-five out of 98 patients (96.9%) were symptomatic at presentation, with 61 (62.2%) intracranial hemorrhages. Sixty-two patients were treated (46 cerebellar, 16 brainstem). Ten hemorrhages occurred in follow up (4.1%/year). Modified Rankin Score was obtained in 62 patients and was classified as low (good, mRS 2) or high (poor, mRS
3). Hemorrhage was the only predictor of poor mRS at presentation (p=0.0229). A poor clinical outcome was correlated with the presence of AA (p=0.0276), a poor initial mRS (p<0.0001)> of treatments needed (p=0.0434). Patients were significantly more likely to improve than to deteriorate over time (p=0.0201).
Conclusion: The final clinical outcome in PFbAVMs relates directly with the presence of associated aneurysms, number of treatments needed to occlude the AVM and mRS at presentation. Overall, patients are more likely to improve than to deteriorate with management, and expedite, more definitive treatment is probable a better choice in patients with good mRS after hemorrhage.
Well today is pretty blaaa... if you know what i mean.
I woke up, just to go back to bed. Slept 2 hours.
I got something to say... I just need to say, my Dr. is a nice guy, and I agree with most that he has to say.... but when he gave me 6 months to recover, I say balls to that!
Look at my typing at 6 months... I was a fuggnig mess.
Don't get me wrong... I am still a mess, but to compare to me at 6 months , I am getting along just fine now.
So make a donation or don't.
But common along, help me say it... Dr. More... you are wrong.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Avm news and a Report of life...
Doctors Help Boy With Giant Hand
Boy, 10, to Lead Normal Life After Surgeries; Hospital Donates Fees
Nov. 20, 2008
Rohit Bachani was born with a small lump on his left hand that, by the time he was 10, was so large he had to hold his arm high above his head at all times to avoid excruciating pain.
But today, in New York City, the boy will have the last of five surgeries that will reduce his larger-than-grapefruit-size hand to near normal and allow him to return to his native Pakistan.
Rohit was born with a congenital condition called arteriovenous malformation, or AVM, which had caused the tissue in his hand to swell to gigantic proportions, nearly swallowing up his little fingers. Doctors had told the family they had no recourse but to amputate the hand.
Dr. Robert Rosen, an interventional radiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital and one of only a handful of doctors in the field capable of this surgery, agreed to perform the multiple embolization procedures to save the boy's hand.
And it wasn't only Rosen who donated his fees. So did all the other specialists -- including vascular surgeons, anesthesiologists and the hospital itself.
One Lenox Hill administrator estimated the total treatments would have likely exceeded $300,000.
Parents Call Doctor 'Angel'
The boy's parents, who do not speak English, called Rosen an "angel," according to family translators.
The family is from a small village in Pakistan and had been living with relatives in Texas for the last year while their hometown raised money for the boy's operations. The half-price charity rate for each treatment would have amounted to their entire life savings -- $15,000.
you should go to this link.... Click Here There are lots of links and a video too.
Diseases information. Disorders. Treatment.
Medical articles at canadian pharmacy blog. Microcephaly can have a variety of etiologies, depending on when you discover it. What I mean by that is some people are born microcephalic because they may have a chromosomal syndrome, or Cornelia de Lange or fetal alcohol, or one of the STORCH, meaning syphilis, toxo, rubella, and all that type of syndromes. On the other hand, it can become an acquired process if you have perinatal asphyxia. So someone is born with the proper head circumference but let’s say they have severe meconium aspiration, get very sick, the neonatal course is very stormy, and then you find that at nine-months-of-age they have not gained 10 centimeters because they acquired the damage at that time. So that’s a different situation.
Macrocephaly is kids with big heads. Here we have again a big differential. It can be metabolic disease, like Sturge, Tay-Sachs, Hurler’s, some of those. Leukodystrophies like Alexander and Canavan are known to create progressively large head. You can see it sometimes in neurocutaneous syndromes, or bone disease. There is a syndrome called Sotos syndrome which is truly macrencephaly. There is no hydrocephalus. The brain looks normal although it’s rather large. Kids present with a big head, mildly hypotonic, and mental acuity varies and a lot of them tend to be kind of dull. They are not only cerebrally large, they are just big kids. They are kind of macrosomic. You will notice that when I talked about macrocephaly I didn’t really say anything about hydrocephalus, because that will come under CSF circulation and that’s not really big encephalus, but hydrocephalus.
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Obstructive hydrocephalus can be due to a congenital problem, like aqueductal stenosis. We are referring to the aqueduct of Sylvius that connects the third ventricle to the fourth. It can also be acquired due to midline brain tumors that compress the aqueduct. It may be a congenital anomaly, such as Dandy-Walker syndrome which has atresia of the foramina of Magendie and Luschka with compensatory dilatation of the fourth ventricle and cerebellar hypoplasia. Later when we talk about ataxia I’m going to show you a picture of Dandy-Walker. Another reason kids sometimes present with obstructive hydrocephalus is they have a vein of Galen’s aneurysm. It’s often called an aneurysm but that’s a misnomer. It’s not an aneurysm, it’s really an AVM. The difference being, an aneurysm is an abnormal swelling due to weakness of the wall of an artery. AVM is really anomalous arteriovenous channels. It’s a high conductance, low resistance channel. There are inferior fossa hematoma, like after trauma you could develop obstructive hydrocephalus. The key features of obstructive hydrocephalus, you will notice, that we are focusing on obstruction in the vicinity either due to a mass lesion or due to a congenital lesion, in such a manner that the flow from third to fourth ventricle is affected. That’s the key. What we call communicating hydrocephalus, where there still may be a problem with obstruction but it is not proximal to the fourth ventricle. This could happen partly because you have a problem with arachnoid granulations on the convexities. This could happen because the child had meningitis as a neonate and there was a lot of pus. Because the meninges got fibrosed and the absorptive surfaces are damaged. It could be post CMV or toxo, maybe a sequelae of large subarachnoid hemorrhages again. Rarely you can get communicating hydrocephalus due to excessive production of CSF, such as a choroid plexus papilloma. These tend to occur quite frequently between the second and third ventricles, near the foramen of Monroe. Then there can be obstruction downstream from the fourth ventricle. We already saw the anatomy of the Chiari and I did indicate to you then that sometimes they will gradually develop headaches and hydrocephalus, so that could be another etiology.
This is a good day, or so they say....
Actually, it is... I have been having an itch to write a little Duke... We'll see if I get enough time...
okay got to go... Peace.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Let's see what is going on...
Promote Your Shitty Videos With YouTube Sponsored Videos
Sponsored or CostPerClick Videos have come to YouTube/Google. Had to happen didn't it? Now they have a program where you can bid on your keywords/video title under a CPC program like Google Adwords.
Easy-to-use automated tools allow content owners to decide where they'd like their videos to appear, place bids in an automated online auction, and set daily spending budgets. Then, when people search for videos, YouTube will display relevant videos alongside the search results. These videos are clearly labeled as "sponsored videos" and are priced on a cost-per-click basis.
This program is currently only available in the U.S. There is a truly cheesy promotional video of it here on the Google Blog
I dunno about this. Doesn't this just mean you can buy your way to the top of the Google Search results? At least for video. Here's what Techcrunch has to say about it -
This should generate substantial new revenues for Google...(and) a lot more spam results. Google likes to pretend that paid search ads can be just as relevant as organic search results. And in the text world that is sometimes true. But when it comes to video, the sex factor gets magnified, and what you end up with half the time are sex videos no matter what the search term happens to be.
Bang on. We've already seen YouTube manipulated by putting a sexy picture as the thumbnail (easy to do - just put your cheesecake still shot at the halfway point of your video).
For my money I'd rather buy the Traffic Geyser and make sure I get not just one result on Google's Top Ten but several. Watch the vid below and there's more on it here on another post of mine...
and in other stuff...Click here
buy some stuff...
and Vids...
Enough.... Okar I am going to say Goodnite...
Sweet Dreams....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Got one and some news
Introduction; The choice of anesthesic technique for Caesarean section of a pregnant woman with cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is made to maintain a stable cardiovascular system, but due to the rarity of this condition, no definitive guidelines exist.Case presentation We report the case of anesthetic management of Caesarean section of a pregnant woman with cerebral AVM (grade V). After the diagnosis, the radiologists decided to perform angiography and endovascular operation for treatment after the termination of pregnancy.
The patient refused to undergo this procedure and with the beginning of the contractions of uterus, she was admitted to hospital urgently at the 40th week of gestational age and Caesarean section under general anesthesia was performed successfully.
Conclusion: We concluded that in case of emergency, general anesthesia can be used satisfactorily for Caesarean section of a pregnant woman with cerebral AVM. Ensuring optimal maternal and fetal well-being, we are of the opinion that it is also possible to control the arterial blood pressure of patients with general anesthesia.
Author: Demet Coskun, Ahmet Mahli, Zerrin Yilmaz and Pelin Cizmeci
Credits/Source: Cases Journal 2008, 1:327
My news... nothing too alarming.
But I am tired... very tired. I have had 13 hrs. of sleep and I'm still tired.
I'm going to sleep, right after I eat.....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Got Two for you,,,, AVM's
i stumbled upon a website and read many narratives of people with AVM. i really count my blessings that im 98% to normal now. all the narratives i read took months or even years to slowly progress and went thru a crankier emotional roller coaster than i did. their life really went on hold for very long and had even over a hundred hospital days. some even had 2-3 operations. one even had 5 small AVMs in brain. a 17 year old needed 4 years to regain his movements and cognitive abilities and its still not to normal. i read of one who loved gymnastics and hockey but was told that she couldnt do them anymore cos the AVM affected her agility and balance which was very much required in the sports. permanent disabilities and recurrent AVMs haunt me. but at least i can go on with my life now. (=
i read about AVM. so blood hasnt been flowing into the capillary bed in my cerebellum. does that explain why i always trip over my own shoe since young? haha. most of them had no symptoms prior to the AVM bleed. maybe headaches or numbness that most ignore if it didnt bleed. i had none. im trying to think if i shown any signs but i cant think of any. hhaa. maybe the tripping. d=
if anyone is interested in the website:

Arteriovenous malformation
Arteriovenous malformation or AVM in the majority of cases is a congenital disorder consisting of a connection between veins and arteries, this pathology is universally known because of its occurrence in the central nervous system, but can appear in any location.The genetic transmission patterns of AVM, if any, are unknown. AVM is not generally thought to be an inherited disorder, unless in the context of a specific hereditary syndrome.

(Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation)
Signs and symptoms
Symptoms of AVM vary according to the location of the malformation. Roughly (88% -needs citation) AVM are asymptomatic; often the malformation is discovered as part of an autopsy or during treatment of an unrelated disorder (called in medicine an incidental finding), rarely its expansion or a micro-bleed from it, could cause epilepsy, deficit or elicit pain.
The most general symptoms include headache and epilepsy, with more specific symptoms occurring that normally depend on the location of the malformation and the individual. Other possible symptoms include:
- Difficulties with movement or coordination, including muscle weakness and evenparalysis;
- vertigo (dizziness);
- Difficulties of speech (dysarthria) and communication, such as alogia;
- Difficulties with everyday activities, such as apraxia;
- Abnormal sensations (numbness, tingling, or spontaneous pain);
- Memory and thought-related problems, such as confusion, dementia or hallucinations.
Arteries and veins are part of the human cardiovascular system. Normally, the arteries in the vascular system carry oxygen-rich blood. Structurally, arteries divide and sub-divide repeatedly, eventually forming a sponge-like capillary bed. Blood moves through the capillaries, giving up oxygen and taking up waste products from the surrounding cells (CO2). Capillaries successively join together, one upon the other, to form veins that carry blood away. The heart acts to pump blood through arteries and uptake the venous blood.
If the capillary bed is thought of as a sponge, then an AVM is the rough equivalent of jamming a tangle of flexible soda straws from artery to vein through that sponge. On arteriogram films AVM formation often resemble a tangle of spaghetti noodles. This tangle of blood vessels forms a relatively direct connection between high pressure arteries and low pressure veins.
The result is a collection of blood vessels with abnormal connections and no capillaries. This collection, often called a nidus, can be extremely fragile and prone to bleeding....
You'll have to take the trip to read the rest... Click Here!
I worked again today... NO CUSTOMERS! Ahh well... what do I want in this economy.
Got me out of the house!
Okay now I am going to go... buy some stuff.... please.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Nothing going on here... but got some news for ya'
Check this out...Why Firefox 3 is Awesome and how to make it better.
I have been using this for a while.It's great!
Okay here is a Bush bash...
Amer. Idiot...
Bush Accidentally Admits Real Iraq War Plan
Bush gets so busted
oy vey!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
AVM News as well as TN news
Trigeminal Neuralgia: LivingWithTN
My buddy Ben Munoz and I started a website called LivingWithTN ( to help patients and family members suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) find each other and provide mutual support.According to Wikipedia, TN is a disorder of the trigeminal nerve that causes episodes of intense pain in the eyes, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, and jaw. About 45,000 people in the U.S. and over 900,000 worldwide suffer Trigeminal Neuralgia. TN is an incredibly painful condition. To get an idea of the magnitude of this pain, check out the video below. It's heartbreaking what TeslaGirlIM goes through but also inspirational that she fights through it and even chooses to publicize the condition so that others can better understand Trigeminal Neuralgia.
The idea around patients and family members supporting each other is Ben's. Two years ago, right before our 2nd year at Kellogg began, Ben suffered an aneurysm due to a condition known as AVM. Somehow he got himself to the hospital and survived hours of emergency surgery. Ben is lucky to be alive, and we are lucky that Ben took this experience and built on it. While in recovery, he had a very hard time finding other AVM patients. He felt isolated but decided to do something about it. He used an Internet service called Ning to start a social network called AVM Survivors. The AVM community found it and a year later, the network is thriving with about 450 members. I've been a member of AVM Survivors since day 1 and I'm in awe of the support, positive thoughts and sense of family found at AVM Survivors and I check in often.
Last month, Ben approached me about extending the AVM Surivors concept into Trigeminal Neuralgia because he had heard about and then researched what a difficult condition it is. LivingWithTN is our attempt at extending the goodwill, support and information flow that AVM Survivors has fostered. Hopefully you can check it out, participate, spread the word and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make it better.
There is also a TN youtube , it is well worth your time.
I am a member of AVM Surivors, it too is well worth my time.
So that's it (I am going to post a few at my other blog)
Have a good day.