Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mexcian Radio! PLUS!!!
this is the story of my life!
don't have much to say... but ain't that the norm?
Art exhibition for Pete's sake!
By Hayley Korn »
Artist Julia Nash is holding her second exhibition of paintings to raise money for her husband’s charity.
Julia, of Water Lane, Kings Langley, is married to Pete, who was diagnosed with an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) in his brain, a tangle of abnormal and poorly formed blood vessels the size of a lemon, in 2004.
West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) refused the life-saving operation to cut the AVM from Pete’s brain, as they considered it “too risky”, but he went ahead with the operation in May last year.
Despite a legal battle against the PCT to recover the cost of the operation, which would be put back into Pete’s Fund, the couple have also been refused cover from their insurance company, which has not paid their Critical Life Insurance policy, forcing the family to put their home up for sale.
Julia, 42, a nail technician, launches her exhibition Love and Life on July 24, at Watford Museum until August 2 and from July 24 until September 5 in the Customer Service Centre at the Town Hall, with all profits going to Pete’s Fund.
By Hayley Korn »
Artist Julia Nash is holding her second exhibition of paintings to raise money for her husband’s charity.
Julia, of Water Lane, Kings Langley, is married to Pete, who was diagnosed with an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) in his brain, a tangle of abnormal and poorly formed blood vessels the size of a lemon, in 2004.
West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) refused the life-saving operation to cut the AVM from Pete’s brain, as they considered it “too risky”, but he went ahead with the operation in May last year.
Despite a legal battle against the PCT to recover the cost of the operation, which would be put back into Pete’s Fund, the couple have also been refused cover from their insurance company, which has not paid their Critical Life Insurance policy, forcing the family to put their home up for sale.
Julia, 42, a nail technician, launches her exhibition Love and Life on July 24, at Watford Museum until August 2 and from July 24 until September 5 in the Customer Service Centre at the Town Hall, with all profits going to Pete’s Fund.
Brain malformation,
no movies,
no video,
no youtube
Friday, June 13, 2008
Half of Canadians don't treat stroke as emergency
from... News Staff
A new cross-country survey by the Heart and Stroke Foundation has found that Canadians are not taking the warning signs of stroke seriously -- to their own peril.
The report card finds that at least half of all Canadians don't respond to the signs of stroke the way they would to other medical emergencies.
"We were very surprised by the results," Stephen Samis, director of health policy at the Heart and Stroke Foundation, told CTV Newsnet on Thursday.
"It's pretty frightening to think that half of Canadians don't think that stroke is a medical emergency, especially when you think how critical it is that Candians get to the office of their doctor or to the hospital as soon as possible."
Stroke, typically caused by a blood clot that cuts off blood flow to the brain, can be treated in most cases if it is dealt with within three hours.
But once that window has closed, the effects are usually irreversible, Samis said.
"Canadians, like other people, will often think 'oh it will pass, it's not a problem.' The problem with stroke is, you don't have time to do that," he said.
"If you have any of those warning signs and if they're sudden, even if they're temporary, call 911, get to the hospital. If you get there within three hours if it is a stroke it can be reversed."
Here are some of the warning signs of stroke:
* Sudden vision problems
* Headache
* Weakness
* Trouble speaking
* Dizziness
The study found that three quarters of Canadians can recognize at lease one of those signs of stroke, but less than half said they would call 911 if they or someone they knew was experiencing one of the signs.
Samis said the survey is intended to serve as a wake-up call to Canadians.
About 50,000 Canadians experience stroke each year, The Heart and Stroke Foundation estimates:
* 15 per cent will die
* 10 per cent will recover completely
* 25 per cent will recover with a minor impairment or disability
* 40 per cent will suffer a moderate to severe impairment
* 10 per cent will suffer severe impairment and will require longterm care as a result
In a province by province analysis, the study found that Quebec had the highest proportion of people -- 53 per cent -- who said they would call 911 if they experienced one of the symptoms.
Newfoundland had the lowest proportion, with only 24 per cent saying they would call 911.
Here are the results for the other provinces:
* Ontario: 51 per cent
* Nova Scotia: 50 per cent
* British Columbia: 49 per cent
* Alberta: 43 per cent
* Manitoba: 41 per cent
* Saskatchewan: 33 per cent
* P.E.I.: 26 per cent
Averaged out nationally, 49 per cent of Canadians said they would call 911 if they experienced one of the signs of stroke -- a number that is far lower than it should be, the Heart and Stroke Foundation maintains. News Staff
A new cross-country survey by the Heart and Stroke Foundation has found that Canadians are not taking the warning signs of stroke seriously -- to their own peril.
The report card finds that at least half of all Canadians don't respond to the signs of stroke the way they would to other medical emergencies.
"We were very surprised by the results," Stephen Samis, director of health policy at the Heart and Stroke Foundation, told CTV Newsnet on Thursday.
"It's pretty frightening to think that half of Canadians don't think that stroke is a medical emergency, especially when you think how critical it is that Candians get to the office of their doctor or to the hospital as soon as possible."
Stroke, typically caused by a blood clot that cuts off blood flow to the brain, can be treated in most cases if it is dealt with within three hours.
But once that window has closed, the effects are usually irreversible, Samis said.
"Canadians, like other people, will often think 'oh it will pass, it's not a problem.' The problem with stroke is, you don't have time to do that," he said.
"If you have any of those warning signs and if they're sudden, even if they're temporary, call 911, get to the hospital. If you get there within three hours if it is a stroke it can be reversed."
Here are some of the warning signs of stroke:
* Sudden vision problems
* Headache
* Weakness
* Trouble speaking
* Dizziness
The study found that three quarters of Canadians can recognize at lease one of those signs of stroke, but less than half said they would call 911 if they or someone they knew was experiencing one of the signs.
Samis said the survey is intended to serve as a wake-up call to Canadians.
About 50,000 Canadians experience stroke each year, The Heart and Stroke Foundation estimates:
* 15 per cent will die
* 10 per cent will recover completely
* 25 per cent will recover with a minor impairment or disability
* 40 per cent will suffer a moderate to severe impairment
* 10 per cent will suffer severe impairment and will require longterm care as a result
In a province by province analysis, the study found that Quebec had the highest proportion of people -- 53 per cent -- who said they would call 911 if they experienced one of the symptoms.
Newfoundland had the lowest proportion, with only 24 per cent saying they would call 911.
Here are the results for the other provinces:
* Ontario: 51 per cent
* Nova Scotia: 50 per cent
* British Columbia: 49 per cent
* Alberta: 43 per cent
* Manitoba: 41 per cent
* Saskatchewan: 33 per cent
* P.E.I.: 26 per cent
Averaged out nationally, 49 per cent of Canadians said they would call 911 if they experienced one of the signs of stroke -- a number that is far lower than it should be, the Heart and Stroke Foundation maintains.
Depression and Stroke,
stroke recovery,
stroke rehab
Thursday, June 12, 2008
movie revue!
revue of a movie Night of the Creeps!
it is about 2 guys who want to get close to Girl...
they join a Fratunitey to do this?
in the proses the re-awaken a 30 year bad guy.
who is mostly dead!
The girl falls for one of the guys.
Everybody else dies.
That about sums it up....
lets see if i can sum this up it one sentence...
yep that about sums it up.
it sucks!
Don't waste your money!!
Nanay had a stroke
As most of you probably already know, Cherrie's mom Anita (Nanay) had a major brain hemorrhage on Saturday night at about 6 o'clock. It turns out that she has a large AVM (Artereo-Venous Malformation)just like Devin. These malformations have weak walls which is why it hemorrhaged.
At first she didn't have any symptoms other than a sudden excruciating, debilitating headache. For about fifteen minutes we were with her, talking to her, trying to figure out what was wrong, we even took her blood pressure, but she didn't have any other stroke symptoms, just the headache. So we were left to either dial 911, run her to the emergency room (about 15 minutes away) or run to the insta-care clinic in Bountiful (about 10 or minutes away). I was afraid of going to a busy emergency room and getting ignored as the "Lady with a headache", so I left Cherrie and the kids and drove with Nanay and Tatay to the Insta-care clinic. Nanay was still talking to us the whole trip, but as soon as we started to get out of the car, she stopped talking and starting mumbling. She had lost all strength and could barely stand up. We hurried her into the lobby, and we were lucky that nobody was there. Just as we got inside, she started vomiting, and lost all strength in her legs. I yelled at the receptionist that she was having a stroke and everyone in the clinic jumped on it. Within a minute she was on a gurney and being evaluated by two doctors and several nurses. They're response was awesome, and they got her stats and info as they started loading her into an ambulance. It just so happened that our very good friend, Alili Perez, was also in the clinic at that moment, and she came over and got my keys to lock my car and take Tatay home while I climbed in the ambulance with Nanay.
We drove to IMC in Murray while the ambulance team stabilized her and contacted a stroke team at IMC to be ready for us. They put did a CT scan to see if the stroke was a "bleeder" (hemorrhage) or a clot. It was a bleeder, but they also thought that there was something else there too, so they put her on medicine to help control the brain inflammation and keep her blood pressure low while they did further MRI's and angiograms to see what was going on. They found that she had an AVM which sort of changed all the treatment options. If there had been no AVM they would have tried to get in and relieve the pressure immediately, but with an AVM they needed to stabilize her and let the bleeding stop on its own so that they could evaluate where to cut without causing more uncontrollable bleeding. On Monday they performed an angiogram/embolizaton (just like on Devin), where they blocked of the major feeder veins to the AVM.
On Tuesday they performed surgery to remove the clot formed by the blood which had pooled as well as the veins and arteries of the AVM itself. She is still recovering from that. She has weakness on her right side and still isn't able to talk, but the doctors are hopeful that she will make a pretty good recovery and be able to regain some of those functions.
Cherrie and I feel really blessed. We were supposed to go down south for two days to celebrate Cherrie's graduation from the dental assisting program, but Cherrie had a feeling we shouldn't go, that something might happen. Wow was she right. I can't imagine what would have happened if we had been 4 hours away when this happened.

What a change from the way she looked a week ago.
posted by Kirk Benge @ 8:42 AM
that sucks!!!
As most of you probably already know, Cherrie's mom Anita (Nanay) had a major brain hemorrhage on Saturday night at about 6 o'clock. It turns out that she has a large AVM (Artereo-Venous Malformation)just like Devin. These malformations have weak walls which is why it hemorrhaged.
At first she didn't have any symptoms other than a sudden excruciating, debilitating headache. For about fifteen minutes we were with her, talking to her, trying to figure out what was wrong, we even took her blood pressure, but she didn't have any other stroke symptoms, just the headache. So we were left to either dial 911, run her to the emergency room (about 15 minutes away) or run to the insta-care clinic in Bountiful (about 10 or minutes away). I was afraid of going to a busy emergency room and getting ignored as the "Lady with a headache", so I left Cherrie and the kids and drove with Nanay and Tatay to the Insta-care clinic. Nanay was still talking to us the whole trip, but as soon as we started to get out of the car, she stopped talking and starting mumbling. She had lost all strength and could barely stand up. We hurried her into the lobby, and we were lucky that nobody was there. Just as we got inside, she started vomiting, and lost all strength in her legs. I yelled at the receptionist that she was having a stroke and everyone in the clinic jumped on it. Within a minute she was on a gurney and being evaluated by two doctors and several nurses. They're response was awesome, and they got her stats and info as they started loading her into an ambulance. It just so happened that our very good friend, Alili Perez, was also in the clinic at that moment, and she came over and got my keys to lock my car and take Tatay home while I climbed in the ambulance with Nanay.
We drove to IMC in Murray while the ambulance team stabilized her and contacted a stroke team at IMC to be ready for us. They put did a CT scan to see if the stroke was a "bleeder" (hemorrhage) or a clot. It was a bleeder, but they also thought that there was something else there too, so they put her on medicine to help control the brain inflammation and keep her blood pressure low while they did further MRI's and angiograms to see what was going on. They found that she had an AVM which sort of changed all the treatment options. If there had been no AVM they would have tried to get in and relieve the pressure immediately, but with an AVM they needed to stabilize her and let the bleeding stop on its own so that they could evaluate where to cut without causing more uncontrollable bleeding. On Monday they performed an angiogram/embolizaton (just like on Devin), where they blocked of the major feeder veins to the AVM.
On Tuesday they performed surgery to remove the clot formed by the blood which had pooled as well as the veins and arteries of the AVM itself. She is still recovering from that. She has weakness on her right side and still isn't able to talk, but the doctors are hopeful that she will make a pretty good recovery and be able to regain some of those functions.
Cherrie and I feel really blessed. We were supposed to go down south for two days to celebrate Cherrie's graduation from the dental assisting program, but Cherrie had a feeling we shouldn't go, that something might happen. Wow was she right. I can't imagine what would have happened if we had been 4 hours away when this happened.

What a change from the way she looked a week ago.

that sucks!!!
Brain malformation,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
i do have an AVM...

i was diagnosed with an AVM about 5 years ago. I had it Gamma-Knifed. The surgery was easy... if it would have worked i would not be writing this today...
Thats why i post so much on them.
It seems that where it was they thought it was gettable...
What it has damaged is my ability to wright and move my Right side.
it is funny, i was going to schedule an MRI, when it sprung a leak...
so now you know....
I will right a little more when i have more time.
Male ,41 years of age.
pic is a joke... ha ha ha
in the mean time here is a few things from Amazon.
go ahead... i really like them... you may to.
oh ya, it has been nearly 3 years since it sprang a leak... I think?
Brain malformation,
head bleed,
Monday, June 09, 2008
you know i use to get a lot of hits when...

... when I use to say stuff about Tammy NYP.
just to bring you up to date this is her...
not to bad!
The reason she got so much coverage was she was caught doin' the nasty...
she was 17 years old!

perhaps the word is a happier place ( I DOUBT IT!)
but well see!
that link will take you where you want to be.... good night
share this... and several more!!!
its cool!
according to my mail... nobody had an avm last night! Yeah!
'caus thay suck!
n further news fronts i bring you this!!
youtube stuff!
be good... lol!
american idol,
music video,
Sunday, June 08, 2008
AVM Brain....

June 07, 2008
Chuck Erion
Jill Bolte Taylor was a 37-year-old brain scientist when she suffered a stroke in late 1996. As she narrates in "My Stroke of Insight" (Viking $27.50), she realized that her left brain was impaired: it took her 45 minutes to recall the phone number of a colleague (remembering 911 was impossible), and another half-hour to locate her doctor's number on a business card.
Her brain was being flooded with blood, the hemorrhage due to a rare AVM (arteriovenous malformation).
But, without the ego control of her left brain, her right brain took over her consciousness with a sense of "flow," of being one with the universe and lost in wordless wonder. Fortunately, her colleague surmised her brain trauma over the phone -- language skills were also lost, even though she could form words in her head -- and got her to a Boston hospital. Thus began her eight-year journey of recovery.
Taylor writes from a unique perspective about how the medical system should assist stroke and brain injury victims.
Her background as a neuroanatomist not only gave her special empathy for such victims, it meant that she could diagnose her own crisis and ramp up her determination to rebuild all the skills and knowledge (from spelling to walking) that the stroke had stolen from her.
Just a few months after surgery to remove the clot, Taylor was able to address a meeting of the National Association for Mental Illness, for whom she had been a spokesperson.
Her mother was instrumental in her recovery; she worked with Taylor full-time as she had as an infant to rediscover colours, shapes, letters and how to use a spoon.
Through the years of regaining her abilities, Jill struggled to hold on to that sense of well-being, that Nirvana, which her right brain had found, unfettered by her logical, language- and memory-based left brain.
While exploring emotions as if for the first time, she could shed the baggage they had previously been encumbered with.
"Have you ever noticed how these negative internal thought patterns have the tendency to generate increased levels of inner hostility and/or raised levels of anxiety?"
Taylor's mission is twofold.
To improve the compassion of family and caregivers towards stroke, brain injury and mentally ill patients, and to urge all of us to cultivate right-brain awareness.
The latter is the grateful realization that our trillions of cells vibrate with universal energy. She suggests meditation and mindfulness techniques, such as noticing your breathing, to cultivate insights which she was able to achieve thanks to her stroke.
The taxonomy of left and right brain functions adds a dimension that philosophers from ancient times to the 20th century lacked. The location of the seat of consciousness has long been debated but never reduced to mere neurons and cells.
For atheistic scientists like Richard Dawkins who claim that religion has outlived its usefulness, neuroanatomies begs the question of where in the brain does consciousness of self and of God exist.
Scientific materialism leaves no room for notions of God-mind, but as David Berlinski points out in "The Devil's Delusion - Atheism and its Scientific Pretension" (Crown $27.95) such a paradigm is wrong-headed (pun intended).
Science and religion are not rivals but rather different responses to the human condition. The search for meaning and purpose in life goes beyond what the ever-expanding circle of scientific facts can tell us. We still need "a story."
Isn't it interesting that a hard-nosed brain scientist, thanks to the baby-step relearning of life skills following her stroke, can point us to a mystical awareness that all our (right) brains share. I heartily recommend her book.
We're all blessed with chance to expand our minds, hopefully without the blowup of an arteriovenous malformation.
Chuck Erion is co-owner of Words Worth Books in Waterloo.
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