Tuesday, August 11, 2009

well hell... I got nothing... for avm's popping

There is something I want to say... but I think my sack has shrunk.

so for now let me dull your seances with some youtube...

well now... this is good... my computer is taking a dump... that figures.

Worst Sportscaster Ever!!!
oy vey!


Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
That;s enough...

and that's that...
good night...

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009

What do you think?

I have had a yahoo thing for a while... I just haven't been doing any thing with it.


What Can You Tell Me About Cerebral Avm’s?

cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a congenital disorder of blood vessels within the brain, characterized by tangle(s) of veins and arteries. While an arteriovenous malformation can occur elsewhere in the body, this article discusses malformations found in the brain...

read the rest...
now youtube...

That's funny!!

hay wait a minuet...

Okay now I'll give you something.

Now go but something...
good night...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

AVM (arterio-venous malformation) News... and some stuff on my.

Enact health care reform; it’s the right thing to do

To the Editor:
Cumberland Times-News
I am 40 years old and I have returned to college to pursue a bachelor’s degree in social work after spending 20 years in the culinary field. Unfortunately, the employers of the restaurants I worked in (mostly small business) were unable to provide adequate, if any proper health care.

In 1995 I was diagnosed with an AVM (arterio-venous malformation) and was hospitalized for three to four weeks and underwent two stereotactic...

read more here........


Don't know why but I had a tough day... and a tough night... real yucky feeling.
So I am gona say good night.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

shoud I start another one with no title?

45 year - M

History (HX):
Seizure for 20 yrs

Huge vascular mass in right cerebral hemisphere which is composed of serpigenous signal void vascular structures, multiple feeding arteries (arising from both anterior and posterior circulation) and draining veins (draining into the superior and right lateral sinuses, vein of Galen and straight sinus)

Diagnosis (DX):Large AVM

it is from here


When will they come out with a cure...
That's it for AVM's today... not a bad haul...
I have made a decision... <---- I can't spell it (thanks yahoo speller) but I made one none-the-less. I am letting my house go behind... God I hope it's correct... but I don't know what to do... shy of hanging myself (kidding) I am going to keep all of my money makers open, for as long as I can. okay enough of that sad sad stuff... youtube...
EliteXC: Heat - Kimbo Slice Vs. Seth Petruzelli

I won't tell you how it ends... but ouch!
and now one for the ages...


Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song

and I had to do it... sorry

Misty Mtn. Hop...

okay... you have suffered enough... ga' day.

AVM News!

Brain AVM 18 year female

Brain AVM 18 year female

Copyright (c) 2008 SharpBrains

Dana Press kindly sent us a couple of books. One of them, The Dana Guide to Brain Health: A Practical Family Reference From Medical Experts, is our topic today....

read more here....


that's enough for now...
Good bye...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Ha ha ha! Were F#CKED.

I had to do it... just had to....

see ya!

1 AVM ... and some stuff...

This is what my blog has added up to....
Elektronik Supersonik - Zlad -

I still want to say it is AVM related... but you know how "friends" can be.

My Mom Has Been Diagnosed With A 9mm Cerebral Berry Aneurysm.?

I just wondered if there are any brain surgeons out there who might be able to tell me what the treatment choices are? Its a mid cerebral berry aneurysm.
Im hoping surgery will be able to resolve this. Im very worried about her.
She is seeing her neurosurgeon on Friday.
Thanks in advance to all answers...
read it here...

There you go... good bye for now...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

got one... AVM and silly stuff.

AVM News

Parents take daughter with rare disorder to U.S.

province denies funding

By Jodie Sinnema, Canwest News Service

Brooke VanAssen can't do many of the things other kids her age take for granted: scrub her teeth, roughhouse, gnaw at the inside of her cheek or absent-mindedly pick her nose, as all children do but never admit.

These things put her at risk of hemorrhaging...



Yes it is an AVM of the face.



Me.... I cannot believe it... I am in bed for the day.
This AVM is driving me nutz! and I know that it is not getting better. I want it to bet better... damn it.
I have a bit of a headache... okay I admit it it is a large headache.
but because you come here... (okay I admit it because I like it) I come here and spray my feelings out.

okay let see what youtube has to say...

Country.... Why not...United Breaks Guitars

Halo Music Video Hell... it's funny...

Eminem - Lose Yourself MUSIC VIDEO

or find it yourself...

alright that's a rap... peace

Friday, July 31, 2009

I got nothing on AVM's... Including mine.

I got one hell of a headache. I went out for book today... got nothing. Oh well...

click here
it is my eBay page... shows all of my eBay things...

If it is of any coincides... you can go look at them.

I got an old copy of Divina Commedia. Dante 1881 half leather.

and I got a copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales... this one is all leather.

okay... youtube...

The Doors "Love Me Two Times/Texas Radio and the Big Beat"


ok my computer is getting slow... so I'll take that to mean go away... good night.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

well today there is nothing...No AVMs

so I will give you youtube...

What's Wrong With This....

This is a classic...

okay now for a bit of music...

Cypress Hills...

Beastie Boys- Intergalatic
okay enough of that carp...

Christina aguilera Hurt + lyrics

Enough of this silly stuff...
I am running out of ideas for making money... I'm trying but this recession is taking a bite out of everybody.

And I don't think my lack of communication is helping much.
I'll keep you in touch... we see.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

two new AVM stories....

Ha, so much for the new approach. You see how that worked out. I went even longer than the last time without a post... However, this time I have something to write about. If for no other reason but to get the thoughts out of my head.

On June 25 2009, I got news about Michael Jackson's demise just like many of you. I took that news rather hard because I grew up to Michael Jackson and his brothers in the Jackson 5. Now usually given a few years I would struggle to remember that date. However this date I am sure to remember because not only did Micheal die, but it was the day that I found out that I had a brain AVM which had bled.



go ahead... give it a try!
Orcas woman undergoes brain surgery

Orcas resident Theresa Howard was rushed to the hospital in Anacortes for a very severe migraine headache on Friday, July 17.

She had been suffering from the headaches for more than a week. Upon arrival at the hospital, she was transferred to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. She was diagnosed with a condition called Arteriovenous Malformation or AVM. It is something she was born with and affects around 300,000 people a year. Most live a normal life and don’t even know they have this abnormality....

Go read some stuff... it might even surprise you...

I thought I would go for a Literary theme.
I after all do have some books right now that are up for sale on ebay.

click here
it is my eBay page... shows all of my eBay things...

It's funny that I am selling stuff on ebay... There was a point that I said "I cannot sell stuff on ebay... my stroke was too big." But yet there I am... selling things on eBay... my typing is getting better... I still have some mis-spellings but I am there.

I think it's funny that I cannot get a job... I mean a real job... They get one look at what my stroke has done and instantly they will call me (don't call them).

I really pissed me off the first hundred or so times.

I can not believe that the government dose nothing (besides Social Security) for AVM persons... I just does not make sense to me.
I guess we just do not make up a voting block large enough. F&CKERS!
So I welcome you to bid on eBay... it could make my day.

Sweet Child o' Mine....

and there you have it... good day.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A New AVM Group... TAAF

About Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

Basic Blood Vessel Anatomy in the Brain

An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood that is high in oxygen and nutrients from the heart to nourish other parts of the body. The walls of an artery are very elastic as they are meant to withstand high pressure as blood is pumped out of the heart. The arteries gradually become smaller and smaller as they get out to the tissues until reaching the capillary bed, which consists of tiny, thin-walled vessels, where oxygen and nutrients exchange with carbon dioxide and waste products.

The blood then continues into the veins, blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. Normally, as the high-pressure arterial blood is pumped through a capillary bed there is a gradual decrease in blood pressure. The walls of veins are therefore not as elastic as arteries as they are not meant to carry blood under high pressure.

In the brain, the veins drain blood into venous dural sinuses (not to be confused with the air-filled sinuses in the facial bones that are often associated with sinus infections, etc.). Venous dural sinuses are folds in the dura mater (lining of the brain) that collect blood and then drain into the internal jugular veins that bring blood back to the heart...



That is a link to a AVM site... I recommend you go give them a view.

Me.... Not much.
been youtubeing... alot of new UFO's posted... big deal.

but that won't stop me from posting one or three...

okay it kinda sense ...

don't forget 12-21-2010

the end?

okay now this is getting silly.


I know that book gas 0 to do with the end of times... See you next whatever... bye bye.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

AVM News...

The Hand We are Dealt


I continue my brain surgery narrative, reflecting on how I and my friends and family coped with learning about my surgery. Someday I will be clever enough to put a little thingy on the margin of my blog to redirect you in case you wanted to read from the beginning. And I’d compile all the brain surgery blogs in one place. That would be really clever. Sorry, I’m not there yet. Here’s the beginning of them.

My mother did not deal well with my impending surgery. What would “dealing well”...

read the rest...

I feel he will do excellent.

Okay, I know that one of those is not a book on AVM's... but it was there.

My day... it was busy this morning. I did not do anything... that counted... but it was busy.
Got a headache around 2:00... got a quick nap in and woke up without it.

I slept until 3:00 or 4:00... now I have some computer stuff to do...
Good bye.

80's music...


There I got a couple that weren't in the video.
Here try yourself...

Okay gotta gof with my computer.
See ya!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No AVM's

Led Zeppelin...

I got nothing for you... NO AVM's...

So I'll give you some Led Zeppelin.


The day felt long. I did not do much.... I did not know what to do... not having a job really sucks.
oh well... maby tomorrow will look better.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

No AVM's.... whoowho!

I got nothing on me either... other than I am still very sleepy. (Go figure)

So tonight I'll give you youtube...
never mind... nothing on.... accept UFO's
You want one of those???

UFOs Over Latin America

There you go....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

got two... AVM News.


It's been raining almost constantly here for two days now. The air pressure is causing head and body aches. I guess I'm gonna have to admit to aging at some point...but not quite yet. There's a lot more going on then just the normal aging process but it's not something I really discuss much. People who know me well know bits and pieces but I rarely just lay it all out there when it comes to my health issues. I've been that way for many years now...intensely private when it comes to sharing that information in any but the most surface of ways. I've been thinking a lot about that recently...thinking about why I'm so tight lipped about it...



Fame seeker Jason Napier out of surgery

Jason Napier, who sought fame before undergoing life-threatening surgery for a bleed on his brain, has had a successful operation.

Napier had said the one thing he wished for before he underwent surgery was to become famous, saying he had always craved the spotlight.

So he set up the Make Jason Napier Famous page on social networking site Facebook, which when he began nearly a month ago, only had about 100 followers...




I am tired today... so I will keep this short.

Today... was ok (I'm Tired)... yesterday was fabulous... I stayed up... I had a regular conversation with a friend. Stayed up until 10:00.

Three Stooges: Curly's Sweater

The Three Stooges pull a tooth out

Okay I'm gonna go to sleep... for a while.
Good night....

Friday, July 17, 2009

No AVM...

I like her...
Avril Lavigne - Nobody's home (acoustic)

Avril Lavigne - Innocence Music Video

gotta go...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

avm... and me

Bloody Monday

Hello to all!

Thanks for checking in with me, I really appreciate it! So much always going on! Last week Mark had taken time off work, so I had really enjoyed having him home - so many honey-do's for him! It was nice having Mark and Hanz drive me to work and then both of them picking me up in the afternoon!...
more here...
yep... it is Cyndi's blog... give her a read....

Don't ask me, why those books have a $0 buy? 'Caus i don't know.

Same stuff going on today... so I won't bother you with it.

Lets youtube something unusual.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

no avm... a little me...

I ain't gonna bore you with stuff... to tired.

Three Dog Night - One Man Band

One... Three Dog Night

Old fashion Love song

That reminds me of when my father was still in the house... he is a musician....

Kansas - "Carry On Wayward Son" 1976 Video
more my style...

Kansas Dust in the Wind live unplugged

Kansas video Icarus

KANSAS : "Nobody's Home"

Kansas - A Glimpse Of Home

KANSAS - People of the South Wind

kansas - Closet Chronicles - Two For The Show

That's me....
AVM and all....
goodbye... sweetheart....

Well I'll Be...

Absolutely nothing to report.... from the ol' AVM news.... anyway.

I am writing this at 5:40 am.... but it has been a couple of days with Nothing to report.
so I guess you could say "Hooray!"
For those who do not know... AVM = Arterio-Venous Malformation.

I have one... it popped(3 times)... In my head...I basically had a stroke... It left me basically paralyzed on my right side. My leg made good strides in therapy... my arm did not.
So today I have some movement in my leg... my arm basically just hangs there. (don't get me wrong... I have feeling in my right arm... I can move it, all though it is limited to your just up and down type movements.

My selling is terrible... Thank god for spelling check.

if you want some info... click here

So what I do all day is look for stuff that may entertain me... like what is on youtube...

David Bowie....


David Bowie - Oh You Pretty Things
That's for K....

and that is that...

Good day....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I have a house... or should I say it has me...

oh boy... did a look up on my proporde... (don't know how to spell it)
but anyway.... my house is $92,800 I had though it was $88,000.... looking at the houses for sale around here... I think I'm facked...

so anyway.... I am going to put Michel Jackson on... and hopefully you will by some....

Michael Jackson Thriller HD Billie Jean Bad Album


okay I.ve done it....

I feel like a ....

Friday, July 10, 2009

AVM & me??

From the filmmaker of Life.Support.Music:

I wanted to let you know that my second film, Life.Support.Music., is going to be broadcast nationally on PBS tomorrow night (Tuesday, July 7th). In some areas (LA, Boston, Philly), it's airing on different days next week. You can check your local listing here .

Specifically, the film tracks a fantastic New York musician (Jason Crigler) as he remarkably recovers from a devastating (AVM) brain injury...but I think the film speaks to anyone facing a difficult medical crisis. For more information, here are the links to the PBS site and the film's web site:



And a few reviews:

"Phenomenal" Boston Globe

"Miraculous" Aspen Post

"Transcends one's perceptions of medicine, music, and even miracles" indieWIRE...


That's great!
go show him your support...

I am having to sell my house... I hope it goes... but I don't know where we are going to move...

This was sent to me... I like it...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wolf shirt...

Do I have to say more?

Comon... buy one from me... you would be helping a AVM patient.

I had a stroke...

one avm and some bakward stuff...

check this blog out...

What’s the first thing you do when you get a new medical diagnosis? Or even before you get a definitive diagnosis, but you suspect something is wrong? Or someone mentions some illness to you and says you might have it? Or you keep noticing a distinctive symptom?

That’s right; you google it.

The internet can be a dangerous thing in the hands of a fearful patient. The medical community used to keep people in the dark “for their own good” when they had cancer or other life-threatening diseases. The god-like doctors of that era have been replaced with patient advocates and rehab settings where we ask patients what their goals are. So while being informed and educated about your disease can alleviate fears, and help patients feel in control of their health, it can also be very dangerous. Being in the dark has its benefits. In an internet-accessed world with webMD at our fingertips, no one has an excuse to be uninformed about his/her health.

After I had my diagnosis, I still had months to stew, months to wait for my June 21st surgery date. I was at the time working as a preschool assistant teacher. The kids went down for a nap after lunch between 12:40pm and 2:30pm. The lights went down, and the kids actually slept. There was very little I could do, sitting there in the dark. Sometimes we tried to prepare for art projects, but next to the quiet breathing of preschoolers, the sound of cutting construction paper, or sorting beads magnified in the darkness. We had blinds on all the windows, and a black-out curtain on the door; even the bathroom light was off. There was no way to read, to journal, to see knitting stitches – not that I could knit – so I turned to the computer each afternoon.

I learned about my treatment options, the incidence of AVMs, the possible outcomes – favorable and disastrous. While statistics on the prevalence of AVMs vary greatly (from 5 to 613 per 100,000), by some estimates, AVMs are as common as cerebral palsy. Yet no one has ever heard of an AVM. They’re about 1/6 as common as aneurysms, and people have heard of those. I knew it wouldn’t be likely to find an AVM support group in on-line, let alone in person, and I needed to distract myself from statistics such as “4 in 100 people with AVMs will have hemorrhaging strokes in a given year”. I had 2-3% chance of bleeding each year. The mortality rate from a initial bleed is about 10%, and this increases with subsequent bleeds. I needed to stop thinking of my AVM as a time-bomb. I started referring to the potential hemorrhage as “blowing a gasket”, hoping to inject some much-needed levity into the situation. It didn’t work. My mother still couldn’t use the words “brain surgery” to talk about what was happening.

One day, while the children in my care were dead to the world, I found a website hosted on generous bandwidth by the University of West Georgia by a man named Bill Maples. (http://stu.westga.edu/~wmaples/aneurysm.html) This is a data-free site. It is a support network for families, friends, sufferers, and survivors of AVMs and aneurysms. It consists of narratives written by the very same folks in need of support and camaraderie. I latched on dearly. Too many stories ended in the death of a loved one, including young children. Too many stories chronicled the ongoing struggles faced by people discovering new neurological deficits and unending complications caused by the AVMs and aneurysms.

I sat down that May afternoon to compose my own narrative. What follows is an excerpt from my AVM narrative I titled “My Summer Plans”:

School can be both a respite and a dangerous place for my thoughts about my impending surgery. While I’m active, I have virtually no down time, and I have to devote all my energy to the school day of a three- or four-year old. They captivate me from about 7:55am until 12:40pm, and after they’ve all brushed their teeth and used the toilets, they hit their nap mats. They get ready to slide into dreamland for about two hours, and I’m left to my own devices, since comatose children require little or no upkeep. And while I’m here, listening to their soft breath, quiet lullaby music, and the gentle whirr of the computer, my own mind has time to wander. Though my work here allows me to escape the reality that goes beyond the innocent thoughts of a preschooler, I still dip my toes in the Real World. The phone rings and it will be Evelyn from Dr. Zager’s office, scheduling my fMRI. I will scoot by second grade and think about Danny, son of the famous vascular neurosurgeon who will slice into me this summer. And sometimes, all it takes is some idle time in the classroom. Two hours is a long time to read, or work on any project in the dark on 18″ preschool tables. It’s even long to stare at a computer and do mindless e-mailing and google research about foam cheese hats. All I need is to type “AVM” into google, look at my daybook and see some medical appointment scrawled in. It all comes racing back.

I will include more from this narrative in the next post. I would rather include it as “source material” than paraphrase the key plot elements, because it captured the fear and uncertainty of what lay ahead in that moment. I can reflect from the other side of surgery and recovery, but it won’t be as real as it was that afternoon as I sat, crying into the keyboard as I typed in the dark.

read from the source...

as for me... I suck.... I don't have anything to add...
here have some youtube...

Elton John-Tiny Dancer

and that brigs up Kathy Wyatt... I thought I had a connection with her... but for the last several months I got nothen...so if you have seen her... tell her I have been thinking of her.

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
for you....

Monday, July 06, 2009

I got nothing... but

Dose love last forever... I think so.
okay it's youtube time...

2pac - changes (Original Version)

Dr.Dre & Eminem - Forgot About Dre


and I think hate lives forever... It's a good thing I don't hate anyone.

I have been okay today. Yesterday... well that was a different story.
I forgot my meds... actually forgot them 2 days. oh boy I did not know what to do.

I really dislike them... but one must do what one must do.
oh well felling better today... more or less.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

4 my Angel...

Phil Collins - This Love This Heart

just a thought... peace.

In the Air tonight LIVE- phil collins

Phil Collins Against All Odds(Take A Look At Me Now)

He said what i use to say,,,

good night...

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Here I am... pissed off... my outdoors is a mess...destroyed buy her son... 37 years old. I try to tell my wife and she just blows me off...


nothing in the form of AVM's so horray there.


'Til Tuesday - VOICES CARRY - Live 1985 Aimee Mann

that's it...
Good by

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Some AVM News... and me...

someone else...

Hereabouts: West Carrollton senior
 overcomes two surgeries

That Carin Bell graduated in the top 10 percent of her class at West Carrollton High School with a 3.9 GPA isn’t surprising.

She’s always been known for dedication to her education.

But it isn’t so much what she accomplished during her high school years as what she managed despite some serious difficulties....



Me... still feel like s#it... I don't know whats going on... but I really feel like s#it!

here have some youtube...

1994 Nellis super secret UFO sighting

Hay I know... but I like them... (UFO)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

wow, don't do this!!!

I have been caching up on my pills... don't do it! I have felt weird all day!
...and I have a headache from hell!
It gets me behind the left eye... it is what happened with a bleed... now I think it just comes on... I can't see in part of my vision. It's weird.

if you feel like it... go visit my ebay...

click here
it is my eBay page... shows all of my eBay things...

lets see what is on youtube... shall we?

Wall of Voodoo - Funzone (1983)

ummm not DEVO... I don't think.
they have there own sound...

One AVM Story... and me...

Perhaps I should back-track and talk about how we arrived at brain surgery as The Choice. All the websites and the research I’d done on AVMs thus far yielded 3 options on AVM treatment: embolization, radiation, or microsurgery. Because each AVM is unique in size, location, and involvement of blood vessels, and because each patient is different in age, ability, and health status, no two AVMs can be approached in the same manner. Some are completely inoperable, while others are relatively easily corrected with little side effects. It all depends. That’s where Dr. Zager came in. Dr. Hart could diagnose me, and even tell me the options that were widely available, but it was Dr. Zager’s expertise that allowed him to look at my MRA and MRI scans and say I needed brain surgery. He also said that embolization would be used in conjunction with the craniotomy.

read more here...


Me: I forgot my medicine one night. (anti-depression) I felt off... and today I am super sleepy.
I am trying to catch up.

It is a shame that I am dependent on these...
oh well...
now I give you youtube...

Led Zepelin - Stairway to Heaven

ok I'm going to go... take a nap...