so is any one going to put their Christmas list up on my comments section?
come on just do it!
me? ok I'll start it...
i want a good hooker, 2 dwarfs, 3 magic ben-wa balls, 4 chines massage oils, 5 golden rings....
ok that was silly... but truthful.

black Friday used to be a mess in my life... i worked in the retail side of the hot tub buissnes so it got really busy right about now.
it was actual kida fun...
oh well...
okay lets have a look at another web site.. shall we.
o holy smokes! have a look...
here have another...
Speeding Ticket Taser
UHP (Utah Highway Patrol) tasers man in front of pregnant wife and baby over an alleged speeding ticket. Outraged? Call the Vernal, Utah UHP Office and let them know! CNN Interview: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/11/23/intv.tasered.speeder.speaks.cnn CBS Early Show Interview: http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml?id=3533816n
here is another web site that give opinon on this.... more
* taser,
* utah,
* uhp,
* police,
* tazer,
* speeding,
* ticket,
* vernal,
* roosevelt,
* uintah,
* duchesne,
* dashcam
well i bid you a due...
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