Had one hell of a day yesterday... huge headache. Spent most of the day in bed.
Today looks better... as far as the hurting.
I don't know what to say. (About the AVM and me.) It is large it is in the left part of my brain. Every time I have a headache I think I am going to die. So far no go. did that seem cold? Oh well...
It really was not meant to sound that way.
here have some AVM news...
Another typical day ....

Hi Everyone!
Hoping most of you are doing well and appreciate the beautiful days we've been having! Thought I would tell you about my latest "adventure"! It started @ about 6:20 a.m. on Friday - about 5 minutes before the alarm went off... I felt my neck with my hand and felt moisture. Turned the light on and of course found that I was bleeding! Called out to Mark so he could get up and help, and he couldn't believe it! Mark said he had just checked me about 15 minutes w/the little flashlight he keeps under my pillow and I was fine!
And now some youtube...
Those are News Bloopers... no music.
I am going to quit. My job. It dosn't pay well... and I got an up stolen from me... I don't have the energy to fight it... plus the man who did it, is a friend on the new CEO... so I am F'ed.
hello again, I am what you could call the one in a million that a subdural hematoma (sorry bout the spelling) did not kill. The trauma I went through is survived by few. AVM has caught my attention. I guess we have something in common... sort of
oh I forgot to say Happy Birthday :)
one in a million... it dose sound like we have something in common.
That's me BTW...
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