
Sunday, April 12, 2009

avm news... and me too...

Death of a Child

One of our patients died unexpectedly last week, something that emotionally devastated our team and many of the other residents who had taken care of her. She was a five year old previously healthy girl, going to school, playing with friends, enjoying childhood when she had a catastrophic seizure four months ago. A work-up revealed that she had a stroke from a giant arterio-venous malformation (AVM) in her brain. Unlike adults, strokes in children often present with seizures, altered mental status, or coma. Though they are rare, causes include structural defects like AVMs and problems with coagulation like sickle cell anemia.

This patient was brought into the operating room where neurosurgery did a craniotomy, removing part of her skull to evacuate the blood. Unfortunately, the AVM was in an inoperable location and they were unable to clip it. Interventional radiology was also unable to put coils in it. Thus, the AVM could not be repaired and there was a significant risk of rebleeding. The patient was stabilized in the pedatric intensive care unit over several weeks...

more at HERE!

Why the "=" instead of the regular "-" ?

Because I accidentally hit the "=" button.... I don't mind the look... so instead of changing it I decided to leave it...

My mother is coming up... yes she lived in Florida... she made the move for her mother.

Yes I do still have a Grandmother... she is almost 90! Danm good health too...

I gotta go... wife is up... I'll try to get back with you to recount the move...

1 comment:

DelorumRex said...

ps... happy Easter