
Saturday, July 12, 2008

That last post has showen up three times!

How do I get mine to show up so much!

oh well...
I plan to lose some money at partypoker...
I have No AVM's to report... thats good news!

i think that i have to youtube you...
I am sorry... NOT

I keep losing my connection. DAMN!

Ok now I'll try it again.

I used to think tham cool... lame.

I don't remember this Song... but it is cool... a little.

Now here is a group of songs that youtube should have the Videos for... oh well.

one more...

not Bad...

its just to bad that youtube can't have the videos that they use to have... now I am all for Artist protection.. but G-damn it... I wanna Rock!

I just love the 1980s...
Oh here have another.

See all the bands that Didn't rock?


Ok thats it... I will see you when I see you....

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