Almost regardless of what you blog about there will be an advertizer that sells something related at
The reason it makes so much sense to use them for your affiliate programs is simple, you can advertize a large number of things, and all of yo revinue goes into one acocunt.. no waiting for the various affiliate progrmas to say you have meet their minimum requirments to cut a check.
I have a large number of affiliate programs that i have made $10 to $70 a piece with, but have never met their minimum to cut a check, so in some cases they are now out of business and i will never see anything, or in others it has been yeats since I had an ad for them up, and may never meet minumum requirments.
With cj you get a check every month that you excced a low minimum, and if you change advertizers, say one month you push ebay the next you push verison all of the commission goes into one place, and is added up until you get a check.
It kills me to see all these blogs out there, with no revinue stream built in.. sure I do not hang out long at blogs that are all advertising, but I will click a link from a blog that i really like, and if they are offering a product I am interested in.. what's the harm in that.
So my fellow bloggers, I say click the banner, and check out cj.. you won;t be sorry you did.
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