
Monday, October 31, 2005

Two new blogs.. From DeRex..

Okay I have been making a little money on the internet for the last several years, I still have not found my way to RICH RICH RICH, but I do make a little. On this blog I will share all the things I have tried and am trying to add additional income, so I can lead that lifestyle that I have grown oh so accustom to.. Be sure to check it out if making heaps and piles of green cash is your thing..
(actually, I think it is a lot of fun to try and figure out how to make money online, to me it is like a game.. I am not all that good at it really but I am not loosing money and who knows I might just stumble into a winner.. Go check it out.)

Number two.. a pure case of self promotion.. here I will post deals that I find out there in the land of net..
I like the title.. has a nice ring for the search engines..
What will I do with it.. well when I find a good deal I will post it.. if I happen to be in an affilate program with the asvertizer well even better.. get my drift?
Peace, Pass it on.


Anonymous said...

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