So let me hold your hand for a moment, shall I .. if you are like me, a complete whore when it comes to clicks.. go to my Bottle Cap Tripod Auction on eBay, and ask me a question.. be sure to include your URL in your question.. when I answer, it will post your URL.. when this stupid auction gets some media exposure, you will be seen.. simple huh?
Do you really think that I think a gum powered Bottle Cap Tripod is a good idea? Do you really think I expect this auction to make me a fortune? HELL NO!
It’s all about whoring them clicks baby!
So before Neil Cabuta does an expose on DeRex and the power of the Bottle Cap Tripod, you better get over to my Bottle Cap Tripod Auction on Ebay and start asking stupid questions!
Any questions?
Yes, the hit counter on the auction is legit, yes, it is starting to be seen, yes, all the cheap fuckers that have come by have not bid on this piece of ebay and Technorati History, but maybe I just have not had the correct amount of psychopaths look at it yet.
(Where’s Wally when you need him?)
Probably off shagging that Pavlovia chick in the alps again..
Click here to watch the Ebay auction of the century! (must be an ebay member)
Not already an ebay member, try clicking the banner below!
Hey! Pav's back at Number 4 on the Techno charts.
I have some eBay action of my own - inspired by you, Rex. Go here -
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